Monday, December 13, 2010

closing::opening::next year at Eighth Street

darling duality-defeating dancers,
no doubt, you've heard the oft-quoted paean to possibility, "When one door closes another door opens." Something--a thought, a relationship, a physical or metaphysical space--ends, crashes, shifts. Whether it was as I wished or left much to be desired, I am the line that carries and continues, the bridge over the dark (or light) waters of uncertainty. I want to have compassion for the one who yearns for ease and comfort even as he knows there is no telling what will come next. Can I carry the yearning for a more engaged existence as a flame that illuminates and warms, rather than one with a sharper, more brittle burning? Hell, maybe the whole thing just wants to turn into glorious and fully exhaled ash that scatters in a good breeze and leaves the hearth scrubbed and ready for the next fires. 

But I digress, ever-so-melodramatically. 

I say adieu and fare thee well to Jeffrey Bihr Studio, site of Thursday night Soul Motion, The Ocean Refuses No River. Thank you for your settled intimacy, your warm maple floor, the kimonos that witness patiently from the north and south walls. 
I say bonjour and let's dance! to Eighth Street Studio (aka Soul Motion Central, aka Berkeley Dance Jam's Warm Room). Thank you for your clean bamboo floor, your white muslin curtains and relaxed, open feel. Beginning January 6, Soul Motion classes will be a full two hours, from 6-8pm every Thursday. Class cards will price sessions very close to the current suggested cost of $10; single entries will be $15.

Excited! You?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Berkeley Soul Motion New Year's Day Dance

dear depth chargers,
shall we dance together on New Year's Day, bringing our intentions, our openness, our enthusiasm*, our hesitations, our hopes; our feet, bellies, hearts, hands and eyes? and, together, inspire each other to offer these gifts to each newly birthed moment, today of all days?


Begin Again: A Soul Motion New Year's Day Dance
Saturday, January 1, 2011
11am-2pm (opening circle at noon)
Western Sky Studio, Berkeley
2525 Eighth Street, bet Dwight & Parker
$10-15 entry; no one turned away; all are welcome!

*[ARCHAIC] Religious fervor resulting directly from divine inspiration, typically involving speaking in tongues and wild, uncoordinated movements of the body.