Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Desire and the End of Desire

dance dears,
i'm back from NCDC Dance Camp, having spent a long, luscious weekend teaching, eating marvelous food, engaging in worded and wordless conversations, gazing amazed at the Milky Way and the waxing moon, and dancing dancing dancing. in classes and, especially, in the nighttime boogies, i fell in love, in lust, aloud and in screaming silence. i felt myself melting, merging; exalting, expanding, extending. and comparing, vigilant and doubting. leaning into my desire, joyfully, mercifully. leaning out, over, down and crashing, sometimes, into that which i imagined would tell me, "i am enough. i am necessary. i am seen, felt, loved."
desire is the fuel to feeling, to creativity, to possibility; the leaning inward, the swirling of the nectar--my nectar-- in the mouth of the belly of my beast. in screaming silence and in "speaking out loud in the clear air." opening to desire, feeling, creation, possibility: first leaning in, then offering out. and being surprised.

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