Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What If This Were Enough? What Remains?

dear dedicated dance dreamers,
Happy new moon, Eid ul-Fitr (end of the fasting month of Ramadan), Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), and any and all other calls to awakening i may be too asleep to notice. New possibilities abound; an empty slate awaits our particular scrawling dance of chalk-dusted feet or hands or eyes divine, dead or otherwise.
When do these imperatives, however, turn towards the tricky track of "improvement," however well-intentioned? Re: the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur--can i somehow make up for the wasted time/bad behavior/ill-fitted fantasies of the previous 355 days as the drop-dead deadline for the Big Thumb (up or down, squeaking into or slammed out of, finally, the Book of Life for one more year) is a mere ten days away? So much to change! So little time! So much shpilkis!
Howsabout, just this once, we stand where we are, appreciate who we are, feel our roots in the dirt even as the inner and outer winds blast through each moment of this endless journey?
Nothing to do, nowhere to go but down and in, deeper, still.

1 comment:

Karyn Krause Amore said...

Lovely reflection, Michael. I so appreciated it, I posted on my Self-Worth & Prosperity, Live your true Magnificence facebook page and forwarded a piece to some close friends celebrating Jewish New Year.
Here's to moving deeper in stillness and being.